Friday, November 07, 2008

A sad commentary

The reason I got back into blogging is my wife is tired of being my primary social outlet. She told me to start blogging again to see if anybody will communicate with me. Well, after a week she asked me today if i had found anybody interesting to blog with and this is what I had to report.

I noticed something humorous .... I am 46 so when I started on my new adventure I visited some chat rooms, some forums and my Google search bar to find people to talk to. What I discovered is that Yahoo chat rooms have messages going by like a stock ticker. How do you keep track of such things? There was a chat room claiming bras make good slingshots. I then decided I wanted chat about something a mid 40s guy from Oregon would want to talk about. So I did a search for "Adult Chat". Guess what that opened?

Now, don't get me wrong, I spent 20 years in the Navy so none of this either offends me or is anything I haven't seen or heard before. If some person, hopefully a lady, wants to exchange "hot" topics with me that's fine. Hey, it's someone to talk to. I now have one site emailing me that local ladies want to talk to me but I must pay to read the messages they have left me.

What I find is a sad commentary is this. I found myself looking at my screen subdivided into sections and each was a web cam of a woman in her under wear sitting on a bed and I could chat with her if I wanted to. What I find so funny is that I could sit and type about her cleavage, her nice thighs, her comehither smile but if I ask her where is she at .... What is the weather like where you are at? What else does she do in her life? What do you think of Obama? What does she do for fun? I am a stalker. Some how that just strikes me as funny.

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