Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things that annoy me ....

Boy am I starting to sound like a on old fart. In no particular order these things tend to annoy me or have annoyed me in the past.

- Children who scream too long unnecessarily. I like kids and remember having fun but enough is enough when I have to hear it go on and on and on. Especially when there aren't any words being said but noise for noise's sake.

- Parents who let their children record the answering machine message because it's "So cute". If the kid can talk clearly then no problem but when I am calling your house I am trying to deliver a message I feel is important. The unintelligible noise of a small child is a waste of my time and I feel you are insulting me. I know ... lighten up it's fun.

- Coworkers who intentionally push my buttons when I am trying to get something done. When I am at work I am trying to get something done and you are unnecessarily slowing me down.

- People who are overly concerned with Political Correctness. I read the other day that Miss Lohan referred to Barrack Obama as "colored" and I thought. Well he is .... although I must admit that I don't consider colored as offensive. No more than African-American, Black or Negro. These, to me are for designation and clarification as opposed to niger which is plain offensive and insulting. I, being white, don't fully appreciate how offensive but I now it is offensive and there is no similiarly offensive title for a white person.

- That being said, people who pull the race card, religion card, this card or that card.

I guess that's all for now. I am sure I will add to this list in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

t's such a great site. imaginary, acutely stimulating!!!


